chromConverter 0.7.4

chromConverter 0.7.3

chromConverter 0.7.2

chromConverter 0.7.1

chromConverter 0.7.0

Major features

UI changes

Other improvements

chromConverter 0.6.4

chromConverter 0.6.3

chromConverter 0.6.2

chromConverter 0.6.1

chromConverter 0.6.0

chromConverter 0.5.0

New features

Other Improvements

Bug fixes

chromConverter 0.4.3

chromConverter 0.4.2

chromConverter 0.4.1

New features

Minor improvements

Bug fixes

chromConverter 0.4.0

New features

Other improvements and bug fixes:

chromConverter 0.3.3

chromConverter 0.3.2

chromConverter 0.3.1

chromConverter 0.3.0

Shimadzu ascii parser

chromConverter 0.2.2

chromConverter 0.2.1 (2022-07-11)

chromConverter 0.2.0

New features and formats

(All of the new functions described above can be called from the read_chroms function by setting the format_in and parser arguments).

Simplification of read_chroms syntax

Other changes to read_chroms syntax:

Dots were replaced with underscores in all arguments to read_chroms for internal syntactical consistency across the package. Thus:

chromConverter 0.1.0 (2022-04-19)